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Howard-Carpenter Floor Covering 461 North Danville By Pass Danville, KY 40422
Coming from Lexington take Hwy. 27 south to Camp Nelson. Continue traveling south approximately 6 miles,turn right at “BP” station.This puts you on Hwy. 34 to Danville,go to the first stop light this now becomes Lexington Ave. Counting the first light go a total of 4 lights,turn left onto Maple Ave. Go to the first light turn right onto Perryville Rd. Go about 1 mile to light. Turn right onto Hwy. 127 north,go about 1/4 mile turn left at”BP” station. Go to 4 way stop,turn left and you are here!

Howard- Carpenter Remnant Store 541 South 4th Street Danville, KY 40422

Howard-Carpenter Business Office P.O. Box 81 459 Martin Luther King Blvd. Danville, KY 40423